Friday, September 12, 2008

Report from the MEBSH Church at Tiburon

Dear Crossroad United Methodist Church,

September 12, 2008

As a result of hurricanes that have moved through this area of the Caribbean, Tiburon has received a lot of damage. The storms washed away many of the gardens and many animals have been killed. The people here now have many problems. It is very difficult for the men and women of Tiburon to provide the needs of their families. There have been a total of 45 houses that have been destroyed in the area and another 59 that have had damages. Part of the wall that surrounds the church was broken also. We have had a lot of damage in the district churches too. The road from Port-a-Piment to Tiburon is in bad shape now and is impassable. Praise the Lord the government says they are going to repair the road before you come in October.

Please, pray for us here in Tiburon. We are trusting God to provide our needs and we are praying for your trip and believe that God will give us a good time together again this year.

Pastor Roland Lundy.

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