Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Report from the MEBSH Church at Les Irois

Dear Harper Church,

We have had many serious problems in the Les Irois district. There were a lot of damages caused by Hurricane Hanna. To begin with the road into Les Irois has suffered a lot of damage. Several of the members of the MEBSH church lost their gardens and their houses. Some of the people in Les Irois died but we don’t know yet how many. We have a report that one member of the Miyonne church died and that the church and parsonage were destroyed. Also the church and parsonage in Galette Potonier were totally destroyed too.

All the people in the Les Irois district are facing difficult times right now. Please pray for us and the district churches that God will provide our needs.

May God bless you and protect you!

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