Monday, May 09, 2011

Snap Shot of the HFK Hot Lunch Program: Cherette

Here are some pictures from a visit to Cherette.  This is one of the locations which is currently receiving meals as part of the Hope for Kidz Hot Lunch Program.

The School Director, Alfred Osly, standing in the food preparation director cherette

One of the ladies preparing the food.cook cherette 1

Students and teachers from the kindergarten class stand with their bowls of food.kindergarten with teachers

Some of the older students wait to wash out their bowls after finishing their in the yard cherette

Pastor Beintot sent this message to share, “With all my heart and on behalf of all the people who live in this community I thank you so much for the food that you give the students. We think of you often and we pray for you as well.  All of the children send their thanks and are also praying for you.”

You can see these and all of the pics from this visit in the RMI Picasa Web Album.

Through the Hope for Kidz Sponsorship program all of our Sister Churches are making a difference in a real and tangible way.  On behalf of all the schools who are receiving food as part of the Hope for Kidz Hot Lunch Program thank you for your continued commitment to RMI, to the Sister Church Program, to the Hope for Kidz program,and to the children of Haiti.

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