Thursday, May 05, 2011

Activities in Lièvre- Month of May

Pastor Onore Toussaint stopped by our office and gave us a little information about the activities of his church.  You can keep the church in your prayers and pray specifically for the events and services as they occur. 

Brothers and Sisters,
We greet you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.

We want to give you a quick idea about what’s going on here in our church in Lièvre. Our schedule for this month is this: we have a service Sunday morning and Sunday night, on Tuesday night , and we have Thursday night Bible study.

We have an open air service once a month and we also take every 4 days in each a month to train the ladies, youth, and children about the Bible.  We do take one day for each group.

Thanks to God everything is working well. Our request prayer for this month is just to keep us in your prayers as we know you do.  We will also do the same.

With Great Love,

Your Sister Church Lièvre.

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