Wednesday, October 25, 2017

eleve8: 8 Core Values and Proficiencies (3 of 5)

What are the 8 major areas of life and leadership that we will focus on in our eleve8 initiative?

8 Core Values and Proficiencies…  
  1. Everyone can be a learner and developer (of self and others) - Skills 
  2. Everyone can be a student of the Bible - Know the Bible 
  3. Everyone can be of good character - Character and Values 
  4. Everyone can be disciplined - Personal Discipline 
  5. Everyone can be socially intelligent - Understanding People 
  6. Everyone can be an initiator - Independent and Creative Thinking 
  7. Everyone can be a manager - Self and Others 
  8. Everyone can be a server - Service
Keep watch as we roll this out in a 5 post series... Next up... #4
  1. ANNOUNCING: eleve8
  2. Vision and Mission
  3. 8 Core Values and Proficiencies
  4. This is NEW, but not really!
  5. A Story That Tells Why

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