Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Teams Come and Go. Why?

As our American teams come and go, our ultimate goal is that we can facilitate a partnership that will have a hand in their transformation into who God wants them to be. It really isn't about the logistics, planning and prep, funding, projects, vehicles, equipment, meals, etc. These are a means to an end. Our prayer is that they would go back more on fire; more on mission for Christ. We call these our measures because we can measure our success by these. We hope to have a hand in developing/creating...
  • Compassionate Christians - First in their church, and to the world! 
  • More Missionaries - First in their church, and to the world! 
  • Generous Givers - First in their church, and to the world! 
  • Everyday Evangelists - First in their church, and to the world! 
  • Selfless Servants - First in their church, and to the world! 
Has this happened in your life because of your Partnership with RMI and your Sister Church?

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