Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Day in the Life of RMI

Today, like most every other day on the field, RMI was hard at work.

Here are some images from the depot yard just this morning!

At one end of the depot yard:

The Grace Homes for Haiti team is here and working on assembling some new panels for the new set of houses to be installed. They have set out the tools and the plans for the project:


Here they work on some new fixtures which are being measured and assembled.

fred f measuring

the fixtures

Fred Carrying a panel


gary looking

And at the other end of the depot yard:

RMI mechanics are hard at work repairing and installing parts on the red truck

red truck4


and working on Becky’s 4wheeler.

vanel and ti jean

Later in the afternoon there was a meeting with the leadership team and Kim down at the Thompson’s House:

On the roof of their depot:

Kim makes his point, using a stand in white board (legal pad) and marker (ink pen). In Haiti, that’s what you call ‘degaje’ing it, which roughly translated means “making do” or
“rolling with it and making it work”

kim white board

benjamin benson and marie

rob marilyn and gary

(Those not pictured: Becky, Pastor Jean and Amy)

Today was a busy day and much was accomplished. Looking forward to the activities tomorrow holds on store!

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