Monday, March 03, 2025

The Tluceks Are Moving

The Tlucek family is changing their address.

As you can imagine, the past three months have been exhilarating, especially with the addition of two little ones. However, that isn’t the only excitement they’ve experienced.


Andrew shared recently, "We always imagined Haiti would be our home as a missionary couple, where we could serve for the long haul. However, over the past four months, we've felt a strong nudge from God, guiding us toward a new chapter in the Dominican Republic. Our family and the Ezra Institute will have the excellent opportunity to continue ministry among the vibrant Haitian people while sharing our hearts with the Dominican people.  This wasn’t an easy choice for us; we have spent much time praying, reflecting on scripture, seeking advice from trusted counsel, and meeting with our leadership at RMI. We genuinely believe this new direction holds great promise for the school and our family.

We want to express that our goal is to bring glory to our Lord and Savior! Even if that means walking in obedience in a direction we never imagined." 

The move will occur after they raise additional family support and support for the Ezra Institute. If you want to participate in supporting them, contact them personally.

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