One would think that nothing is happening in Haiti with everything at a standstill. We are pleased to share that God has enabled RMI to still impact thousands of lives. Here is our 2024 Ministry Impact Report.
Ministry in Haiti has been quite a challenge! Never before has the situation been as bad as it is right now. Gang activity in the capital resulted in the need to cancel teams again. We are thankful that our headquarters and most areas where we minister in southern Haiti remain quiet and safe. The local police have taken a very tough stance against any gang influence. The only way to get to Cayes is to fly into Cape Haitian, spend the night, and then catch a domestic flight to Cayes. Luggage weight is strictly enforced, with even carry-on luggage sometimes not making it with the passengers. However! As you read the following Impact Report, you can see that through God’s grace, we are still impacting thousands of lives, and ministry is taking place! Here is how 2024 went.
C3 Partnerships
243 salvations in our C3 Haitian Sister Churches
210 baptisms in our C3 Haitian Sister Churches
82 rededications
280 Bible/songbooks distributed
1 church construction
1.3 million meals distributed to needy people (this is 5 containers containing 6,300 cases)
Hope for Kidz, School Education, and Hot Lunch Program
2,954 children sponsored in the first trimester of the 2024 school year
14,706 kids fed a hot lunch each school day
72 soccer balls for kids
579 kids Bibles
27 Hope for Kidz sponsored children given medical assistance
120 backpacks distributed
1 school construction
2 school repairs
1 school bathroom built
Haiti Operations
38 national staff
1 missionary family and 1 single woman
47 attendees at the RMI Annual Pastor and School Directors Meeting
91 goats distributed
15 farmer kits
8 water truck deliveries
3 cisterns built
45 family water filters (including training on its care and operation)
8 Homes for Haiti homes built
15 SunTech solar systems installed (these are large systems for schools, churches, and offices)
5 SunTech home solar systems installed (small, basic 1 battery systems)
45 SunTech portable solar lamps distributed
1 parsonage built
65 doors and windows for churches and schools
220 tin sheets (3’ x 6’) for roof repairs
Finish Strong Fund Raising Campaign
“Grateful” doesn’t even begin to express how we feel. An incredible team of supporters gave as the Lord moved their hearts, and together, we raised $107,377! While we came in just shy of our goal, there’s no disappointment here at RMI—only overwhelming joy. These funds will position us strongly as we enter 2025, trusting God has amazing plans for us in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the U.S.
Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for helping us Finish 2024 Strong.
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