Sunday, February 05, 2023

Ministry Impact Report 2022

God is at Work

Last year was yet another very difficult year for Haiti.  Teams were canceled due to political insecurity in the country.  Despite times when the RMI Haiti office had to shut down, God enabled the ministry to continue.  Our staff is dedicated, hardworking, and committed to RMI.  They have kept working even in the midst of some tough times.  God has been faithful and supplied the funds to keep RMI running even though teams weren’t able to come.  A special thanks to those who donated to the Haiti Field.  We rejoice in that!

C3 Partnerships

170 salvations in our C3 Haitian Sister Churches

210 baptisms in our C3 Haitian Sister Churches

61 rededications

800 Bible/songbooks distributed

579 kid’s Bible distributed

1 church construction

4 churches repaired (earthquake damage)

600 Good News Bibles distributed

Hope for Kidz, School Education, and Hot Lunch Program

2,991 children sponsored

14,706 kids fed a hot lunch daily in school

10 containers - 10,600 cases - 2.7 million meals received

13 hot lunch food storage buildings and school kitchens built

3 schools constructed

80 doors and windows for schools and churches

12 teacher's desks and chairs

126 soccer balls for kids

7 blackboards

6 Hope for Kidz sponsored children given medical assistance

245 backpacks distributed

Haiti Operations Team

34 active partnerships

365 goats distributed

15 farmer kits

210 kids received seeds

147 water filters distributed and the families trained on how to use them

4 Homes for Haiti homes built

9 SunTech solar systems installed (2 large offices, 4 churches, and 3 homes)

15 small home generators distributed

3 motorcycles for pastors delivered

670 tarps distributed for roof protection

5,580 tin sheets (3’ x 6’) for roof repairs

45 personal, portable solar lamps distributed

Efforts are being made to repair the RMI Haiti office (earthquake damage) as well as the RMI garage and depot.  In addition, work is being done to clean those properties, repaint and bring everything up to a higher standard.

It has been amazing to look at these tangible numbers and realize that each one represents lives that have been touched and transformed.  We thank you for your involvement and partnership with RMI over this past year.

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