It was such an amazing moment to be able to be a part of leading them to Him! One lady knew today was the day. She saw us and she knew she didn’t want to be alone. She had tears in her eyes the moment we walked in and started talking to her. I prayed over her and Perguens translated as she prayed for Jesus to be her Savior! I loved being able to hug her, welcome her to God’s family and be a part of what God did in her heart today! She is coming to ladies' tea today. Lundicia is her name.
The second lady was not a planned stop but oh how it was for God! She approached us as we were leaving the mountain and shared how she didn’t know why but she felt prompted to talk to us. We know that was the Holy Spirit!!!! She shared how her husband had been sick and died even after going to the witch doctor. To survive she turned to the devil and his ways. I tried not to cry as we shared with her how Jesus is more powerful than the devil, that she can find true freedom and peace in Jesus and not be chained or shamed by the devil anymore. More was said at the moment but I can’t remember now. She wanted to receive Jesus as her Savior and so Bud prayed over her, Perguens translated and she prayed to ask Him to be her Savior. I loved being able to say to her at the end...THE DEVIL HAS NO HOLD ON YOU ANYMORE...YOU ARE FREE IN JESUS NAME NOW! [A] deacon was with us both times so he can connect them to the local church! GOD IS GOOD! Ereka is her name.
Another lady was a present-day Rahab situation. Sweet, sweet momma named Enoute (A Noot is how you pronounce it) of 5 kids, all from different fathers. Men use her and the only way she can afford to take care of her kids is by continuing this. She seemed so broken. I feel very strongly to pray for her and see where God leads. Please pray for these women and their families. Pray that they would grow in their faith, be encouraged and discipled by fellow believers and the church in Policard. Pray for the sweet momma with 5 kids and all alone, for her to feel His love so close and for God to help her find work for her family to where she can get out of her current situation.”
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