Monday, November 19, 2018

Let’s Pray

More than a trite saying…”let’s pray” is a refrain that is heard often around RMI.  That’s because we have an unshakeable belief in the power of prayer.  We bathe most of what we do in prayer.  We pray together and individually in the US office for our ministry, for one another, for our missionaries and appointees, and for our supporters.  The Haiti field staff also prays together in their daily devotional meetings and are intentional in leading teams in prayer before they leave on their trip to their C3 partner churches, before work projects, medical clinics, youth, men, women, and children’s meetings, open air services and any other activity that the teams are undertaking.  There’s prayer at the end of their visit and prayer during the debriefing the last night before they leave.  McGregor

Prayers before a team hits the road to go to their Sister Church.McGregor 2 March 2014

Prayers before starting a youth meeting.

deacon prayer 2

Prayers by the deacons for the team members.

praying before an open air mtg. Bayou church

Prayers before an open air service.

wives and daughters of the men on Bayou team meet to pray for them

Prayers by wives and families that are back home for their men doing a construction project at their Sister Church.

 goodbye prayers 2016

Goodbye prayers and praise as a team leaves their C3 partner church.

There’s a lot accomplished as a result of prayer! 

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