Wednesday, August 09, 2017

New, Revised Manuals and Team T-shirts!

front covers of leader's and team manuals

We’re excited to announce that the new, revised Team Training Manuals and Team Leader’s Manuals have arrived! 

It went through extensive revising, editing, and condensing.  A blank journal to make keeping a record of your trip much easier was added at the end.

The manuals are plastic coil bound, making it much more user friendly…it is easy to lay flat or fold over to study, read and take notes in.  They are much more compact as well.

The Leader’s Manual is now a stand alone unit – it doesn’t contain a Team Manual as it did in the past.  A team leader needs to make sure he orders both for himself.

Other Exciting News…

The Team Leader’s Manual, the Team Training Manuals and the companion devotionals are all now included in a team’s in-country MED (Ministry Enablement Donation) fee.  You do not have to pay for them separately.

Because of these changes we are asking teams to order new leader’s manuals for each team leader.  New team manuals should also be ordered for  every single person on your team even if they’ve been on a previous team. You should order 1 Team Training Manual and 1 devotional for each person as well as 1 Team Leader’s Manual for each leader.  For example, if you have 10 people on your team (including you as a team leader), you should order 10 manuals, 10 devotionals and 1 leader’s manual.  Make sure you order them as soon as possible since it takes time to ship them to you.

Please discard the previous manuals you have used since they are no longer in use

RMI firmly believes that in order to have a successful, life transforming short term trip to Haiti, the team must have comprehensive preparation beforehand.  These manuals and devotionals, as well as the supplemental one-time materials (the Pimsleur Creole language course, the Creole-English dictionary and the Creole-English phrasebook, all 3 of which are purchased separately and should stay as the property of your church for subsequent teams to use) are the resources that you need in order to go through this preparation and orientation time.

Both colors, front and back collage.pngMore Exciting News…

Team T-shirts are now available! 

And 1 T-shirt per person is now a part of a team’s in-country MED fee!

Ordering for these shirts should be done through the team leader.  The form can be found HERE.

Additional T-shirts can be bought in our store on the RMI website, (there’s a store button on the home page).

The green is great for group identity in an airport.  The gray is a light gray and just as nice.

We know you’ll enjoy the new manuals…and this is the first time RMI has provided team T-shirts!  It’s also the first time these things are included in a team’s in-country MED fee.  All good changes that will enhance your trip experience! 

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