Wednesday, June 01, 2011

RMI missionaries & staff sit down on the job

RMI missionaries and staff sit down on the job, 12 hrs. a day, in the rain, over the mountains, through the rivers - and we are proud of them!

Motorcylce trip around peninsula, May 31, 2011

May 31 (left to right) Benson, Wilfrid, Jan (non-RMI missionary), Dan (Jan’s son-in-law), Rob Thompson and Gary McLaughlin went on a 180 mile trip around the southern peninsula…in one day – in the rain! They delivered funds to one Sister Church pastor, checked on the progress of a project at another Sister Church and take pictures of a 5 couple wedding and deliver funds for that wedding at a 3rd Sister Church.

Gary posted the picture on his Facebook and his son, Joe, commented, “Some people's fathers retire and play golf and take it easy... NOT MINE!!!! I love it!!”

We couldn’t agree more. Our missionaries and staff are the best!!!

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