Will you eat today? That's a real question that many people ask every day in the majority world. America is the minority, it's not even close.
Here in Haiti, TODAY, 5075 children will eat because they are in our Hope for Kidz Hot Lunch program.
"For more than half it will be their ONLY meal." We are privileged to be able to be the hands who are able to get this food to them.
It takes a lot of work... many partners working together, believing in one another, and a great deal of logistics, trust and team work to make it all happen. Not just happen, but happen with excellence. We are grateful for
Feed My Starving Children who donates the food itself to us and the many volunteers who we don't even know who pack this food. We are grateful for
Food for the Poor - Haiti who provides reduced shipping costs and provides expert expedited shipping logistics. We are grateful for our donors who make this all possible, including covering our shipping, distribution, management and oversight costs. We are grateful for the RMI national staff who are doing the work of getting this food into the hands of so many. We are grateful for our school cooks who take great care in cooking and distributing this food everyday.
We invest a lot of time in seeking to do things right. We unload and load, store and deliver the food, provide accountability, track stock, produce reports, procure and manage funding, oversee food storage depots in 20+ locations, plus much more. All in the name of, and to lift up the name of Christ.
Last year, we provided a total of 865,296 meals just in our Hope for Kidz Hot Lunch program alone. Through our total Food for Health program, the number jumps to 1,206,576 meals! Frankly, these numbers are hard to even comprehend. Just think... there were 1,206,576 times people put nutritious food into their mouths in the last year. That's just awesome!
Help us Help more... there are 2 ways to financially help provide more meals. For every $25 donation to RMI's "Food for Health" program, a family of 6 will eat one nutritious meal a day for a month. For $10/month, you can feed 2 children a day for an entire school year through our "Feeding Two" initiative. Please
DONATE here.