Sunday, June 01, 2008

Quick visit to Cance.

Hi Brian and All,

     Greetings from Haiti. All is well here as your time to visit approaches. In four weeks you all will be doing what Marilyn and I did this morning, speaking at the Cance Baptist Church. It was a nice service. Pastor Jean Cherey preached a short message today and we were finished by 11:30 AM. When you are there it will last a bit longer I'm sure. The singing was good. We only had two groups sing. First, in one of the pictures, is a young ladies group, and then later the womens group sang. Get your song or songs ready. Always nice to have you sing a song or two if you're up to it.

     I received a message from Jeff (Agape) that he was shipping a pallet to Port-a-Prince yesterday. I saw a picture of the items and I saw sound equipment on it. I will be working with a man in Port to get these items through customs and hopefully have them here in a couple weeks.


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