Thursday, January 13, 2022

Picking up the Pieces

Twelve years ago today, January 13, 2010, was a day that tens of thousands of people in Port-au-Prince, Haiti had to begin to pick up the pieces of their lives.  At 4:53 the afternoon before, the ground shook and life was never the same again.  Although the real toll will never be known, some estimates are that 300,000+ people died.  Many more were left jobless and homeless.  The Haitian White House and many other government buildings were destroyed.  Schools and businesses were also destroyed.  The devastation was beyond comprehension.  Yet one night following the earthquake, as reporters were making their nightly on-air updates, the sound of thousands of voices could be heard singing hymns.  God's people thanked Him for sparing their lives.  With an unknown future in front of them, they praised God for His blessings.  What a testimony!

We at RMI will not forget that day in history.  Many of the pieces have been picked up.  Most of the debris has been removed.  Some people rebuilt, some returned to their hometowns in the country.  Emotionally they are picking up the pieces.  

Even though they were shaken to the core, many give praise to God for His provision, His graciousness, and goodness.  May we learn from their example. 

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