Tuesday, November 30, 2021


#GivingTuesday is an opportunity for you to stand up for the causes that matter most to you.
RMI has a very specific need for you to consider as you make your GivingTuesday decisions.

As you know, RMI has had to cancel teams for the 3rd year in a row. This has never happened in our entire history. The need for teams is urgent. It is urgent because Haitian C3 partners need the encouragement of the Ministry of Presence, seeing, hugging, spending time face to face, and ministering to one another. Life has gotten tougher due to the political instability and the August earthquake that severely impacted each and every region in southern Haiti. The need for teams is urgent because the earthquake damaged or destroyed many of the C3 partner church buildings and most of the schools. These brothers and sisters need the help of rebuilding teams.

We would love to welcome teams backs, but unfortunately, we've had to cancel teams through March of 2022. Canceling teams was not our first choice, but it was the right choice. We know the hardship this causes the Haitian churches, the US churches, and RMI. RMI loses the income that teams bring in the way of their MED (in-country costs) and their project costs. Not having teams causes serious financial shortages for the ongoing ministry of RMI.

This Giving Tuesday, would you consider a significant gift to RMI to help us overcome the hardship on the ministry of having lost this year's teams? Your gift will help RMI continue to provide for the Haitian employees that depend on RMI to be able to care for their families. We also need your support to be able to continue to provide the services needed to help our schools, churches, and programs like the Hot Lunch Program, feeding 11,000 kids a day, to be able to function and thrive. Your gift will truly impact not only the lives of the RMI employees but thousands of others as well. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.

You can give online HERE. Please designate your gift to "RMI Ministries". You can also call RMI at 239-368-8390 to make your donation. We appreciate you being a part of making an eternal impact in Haiti.

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