Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Introducing SunTech, a Ministry of RMI

Haiti is the only country in the Caribbean where most people either have no electricity or have no access to it.  

The Electric of Haiti (EDH) and other small electric companies do not cover the entire country.  They only have regional power plants.  Some are hydroelectric plants as a result of damming significant rivers and some are generator plants that have large diesel generators to create the electricity.  

None of these have the capacity to create enough power to satisfy the needs of each of their regions.  They also do not have the needed funds to buy the large quantities of diesel necessary for the generators.  Adding to this difficulty, the power companies have recently become something of a political pawn in Haiti’s ongoing unrest.  

Also, most areas have no power companies or any other means of getting electricity.  Most of these areas are rural and people are forced to live in darkness.  The only nighttime light they have access to are kerosene lamps or candles.  It is by these lamps that most of Haiti’s children study or do their homework.  The candle and lamp smoke often cause eye problems or diseases.

Electricity provides opportunities to better their lives on many levels.  It not only provides lights but the possibility to operate refrigerators and freezers; it enables people to have computers, charge cell phones, and other electronics.  It enables their children to study without damage to their eyes.  It enables families to better care for themselves.

SunTech, a ministry of RMI, is a solar power system that is assembled by RMI employees who are experienced solar technicians to provide 24/7 electricity.  We have created a system designed to bring power solutions for churches, parsonages, schools, homes, orphanages, guest houses, and other applications, using the efficiency of solar.  

There are 4 plans available:  The Basic Plan provides 3.7 KW.  The Medium Plan provides 9 KW.  The Regular Plan provides 11 KW.   The Advanced Plan provides up to 20 KW and is custom designed based on specific needs.

This is an excellent project for your church to provide a felt need of your C3 partner!   Contact RMI for current pricing.

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