Monday, March 16, 2020

Faithful Servant Despite Disability

One of the first things you notice about Drevel is his huge and ready smile.  The second thing is the homemade wheelchair that he is confined to.  He is in his 40’s and has been a Christian for over 25 years.  He isn’t married, so he relies on his brother or friends to wheel him around.  He was born with some severe physical disabilities but that hasn’t kept him from living for Christ, sharing his joy or serving in the church.  He really enjoys spending time with visiting teams from his church’s US C3 partner.  It’s always a great encouragement to him and he enjoys partnering with them in their community outreaches.  Despite his limitations, he is active in the youth group (in Haiti, anyone who isn’t married, is regarded as a young person).  He has a nice voice and sings with the men’s choir.  One of his passions is evangelistic events like an open-air service where he sings and shares his testimony. 

Yes, his life is difficult...more so than the average Haitian’s life. Disabled people are not only marginalized but sometimes hidden away at home.  There are no services for children or adults to help them out.  Equipment is next to impossible to find.  Drevel was able to get around for a while using crutches.  However, as he got older, he kept falling.  His brother and some friends came up with this combination of an old wheelchair frame and a plastic chair.  Now he’s able to be pushed down the dirt roads and paths to the church, which is so important to him.  This is the center of his life.  He is able to be a vibrant part of the congregation...praising God, participating in various groups and sharing his bright smile and the joy of the Lord. 

Drevel with RMI missionary, Dawn Shoemaker

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