Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Providing Hope

Do you have one of these in your hands?  If not, you are missing a blessing!  This is a profile of a child in RMI’s Hope for Kidz Child Sponsorship Program.  “Providing Hope Today for Haiti’s Tomorrow” is not just a cute slogan for Hope for Kidz.  It is the very foundation for the program. Through sponsorship, needy children are able to get a quality education that will utterly transform their lives.  To grow into successful adulthood, they need to be able to read, write, do math, and understand the world around them.  To do this from a Christian context makes the potential for success even greater.

Our classrooms in Haiti are filled with students dreaming of their future—hopes of being a doctor, teacher, nurse, mechanic, chef, business leader, lawyer, and entrepreneurs.  They will be Haiti’s next leaders.  A quality education opens the doors to these kinds of opportunities - the kinds of opportunities that can transform a nation from the inside out.

By investing in a child’s education through Hope for Kidz, you’re helping provide a Christ-centered foundation and supporting their hopes and dreams to change their country.

Your sponsorship provides:

  • Christian education
  • Annual de-worming and prevention education
  • School supplies, uniform and shoes
  • Access to an emergency medical fund
  • Hot Lunch Program (in some areas)
  • Chance to write to their sponsor
  • Chance to meet sponsor if the sponsor goes to Haiti on an RMI team

For only $32 a month (or $384 a year), you can sponsor a child.  To facilitate this, you can go to          www.RMIbridge.org or call RMI directly.  Monthly recurring donations can be set up or donations can be received over the phone. 

If you are already a sponsor, this is the time to renew your sponsorship.  Continue that relationship you have with your child!

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