Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Photo Update from RMI...

A fellow missionary, Kelly Crowdis, (not an RMI missionary) is traveling from Cayes to hopefully Tiburon or as far as she can get. Here is her post about Port Salut. You'll both be saddened yet feel the hope that she saw as she witnessed the people working at recovery on their own. "Past Port Salut is hard, hard, hard. Labei had 90-100 houses 4 are left standing. Went as far as les anglais, another team pushing through to open the road to tiburon. Samaritan's Purse is setting up a temporary cholera treatment center in chardonier and sent an advance team to Rondell. Doctors Without Borders had a few vehicles out. Cholera is everywhere! You cannot cross the river at port-a-piment with out help, the bridges are not safe. There is a lot ofsand on the road you need 4 wheel drive in places. The river at Les Anglais was still up over my pickup doors. Buses can get to Port-a-Piment. Things are worse than bad but there is still a sense of hope. Everyone still has a smile and can joke. The message this morning to everyone-don't block the roads help is coming and if you do they won't come back. And most important - we fell but we aren't down yet. Stand up and plant so we won't be hungry in January! People are making do with what they have. Selling the crops they had stored, making houses out of their roofs or whatever they can salvage. I saw three men planting rice and another hoeing to plant. Haiti needs help! But she is strong and will stand again!"

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