Imagine that! The Mayor of Maniche presented the key to the city to the Florida Bible Church (Hollywood, FL) team upon their arrival. As he addressed them, he expressed his appreciation for all that FBC had done for the community. Their presence and relationship had penetrated through the church and out into the community. The Maniche presented FBC with a painting that had been specifically painted just for them.
Throughout the week, it was clear that the FBC and the Maniche people not only had the key to the city but the key to each other’s hearts.
Sunday after the church service, the team had a men’s meeting. One hilarious point was the relay race…something about a cotton ball on a spoon and running around and trying to hand it off the next person without dropping it. The men’s competitive spirit really came out, but they enjoyed the chance to laugh together. Life is so serious and sometimes desperate, little time is left to just laugh and enjoy each other’s fellowship. They also enjoyed receiving hats and ties, 2 things they could really use.
Monday’s activities had their heads spinning. In the morning the heavy rain meant that building the benches had to be done inside causing quite a bit of sweating in the heat and humidity, but the benches got done. A blood pressure and diabetes screening and educational seminar was held by a couple of the team members who are Haitian American. Simple education and information goes a long way when one doesn’t understand medical things. The afternoon was reserved for a time with the youth.
The team did a GREAT job with this activity.
The team presented a Bible lesson and then they had the youth split into several groups. Each group read through some related scriptures and discussed how to apply the verses. Then each group chose a representative to present what they discussed. It was a great meeting and the team was very well prepared. They were impressed with the depth of knowledge the youth brought to the table and were really encouraged by their spiritual maturity. After supper they met the pastor and deacons. It was a great time of encouragement sharing one another's blessings and successes as well as prayer requests and praying together. The team presented them all with domino sets and t-shirts, both of which they really appreciated.
Tuesday the rain continued necessitating the cancelling of their trip to visit a satellite church. The Ladies’ Tea was in the afternoon. The team’s study was on gossip – something that transcends cultures. After snacks, the fun activity was teaching the ladies the chicken dance! They loved it and couldn't get enough. They wanted to do it over and over again! That evening the farewell service was full of thank yous from the team for the great hospitality they’d received, for how welcomed they were made to feel and for the good food. RMI translators Perguens and Marie France sang a duet. Then they were all shocked when Benjamin got up and sang a solo!! Later, the team was ragging on Amy for not doing anything and she joked and said "no one told me it was RMI's Got Talent night in Maniche!
Wednesday there were 2 meetings for kids. Inside the church the team met with the sponsored Hope for Kidz children. After a short program that included a skit, they were able to teach them the song and motions for “Rise and Shine”. They also presented gifts to the kids. While that meeting was going on, some of the team members had a special activity for the kids who always hang around in the church yard, but who aren't in school. They performed a skit, did a short Bible lesson, colored with them and gave them some candy. After lunch the farewell circle was quite large as many of the church members came to see the team off.
Thursday was the team’s opportunity to spend some time relaxing, take in a bit of sunshine, beach and ocean as well as reflect on what they’d experienced in Maniche. Some of the highlights from the debriefing: Two of the ladies got to meet their sponsored kids for the first time. They were beyond overjoyed and SOO excited at the opportunity. One of the Haitian ladies on the team shared that she had the opportunity to share the gospel with someone who was kind of an outcast, alcoholic, and who had rejected the gospel many times. Marie felt very compelled to go and speak with him and she shared the gospel with him and he prayed to receive Christ, and he expressed a true understanding of the decision he made and acknowledged his need for Christ. Other things which stood out- a team member commented that he was struck with how this wasn't just a project or a picture of a child on a card, but it was a real relationship - a real partnership.
One cool thing the team did was to record individual greetings from sponsored kids to their sponsors back at the church. That should be exciting to see once they put it together and share it with the church family.
You can see pictures of their trip HERE.
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