Monday, April 11, 2011

A Caribbean Cruise

While in Baradere last week, the team visited a town in the Baradere district called Gran Boukan.

To get there we took about a 20-25 minute hike beside the river and through a wooded area along a some times rocky path.


Once there we boarded a motor boat called Welcome Holy Spirit

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which led us through a channel

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out into the open ocean.

river cruise

We had about an hour journey across the Caribbean sea until we reached the dock of the ocean side town of Gran Boukan.


There we did a short church service and a few activities with the members before we boarded the boat again, traveled back across the ocean, back into the channel, back onto dry land and took another hike back to the church.

baradares cruise postcard

Lots of fun was had! It was a great time of ministry, fun memories were made by all (team and staff alike) and we got to take a little cruise out into the Caribbean to boot!

Keep checking back over the next few days for a full report from the week!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you visited my country, this is the town that I came from. I was so excited to see these pictures, especially since my old church is near the one that you visited. I hope the next visit will include more people and hopefully you stay longer because we love it when new visitors come in our town !