Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Double your Investment: Matching Gift Given to RMI!

RMI has been in the business of making an eternal impact on Americans’ and Haitians’ lives for over 20 years. That translates to IMG_2206 - tuned thousands of people on both sides who have been ministered to and encouraged through the ministries of RMI. We literally could not be doing this without YOU! Your faithful, consistent prayers and your faithful, consistent financial support. Since RMI is a faith-based mission, we count on individuals and churches to support our missionaries, ministries and the RMI International Office.

Plainly put, the recession has been difficult for RMI. We have cut back our operations back to the bare bones. Each of our staff wear several hats. But we still are falling short financially.

God has placed this need on a group of donors’ hearts. They want to see RMI finish this year strongly. They have given us a $10,000 matching gift challenge! In other words, if we can raise $10,000, they will match it with an equal amount. We need your help to accomplish this! Would you prayerfully consider how God would have you respond to this?

Just think, whatever you give, your money will be doubled! There are few investments that will not only double your money but result in an eternal impact! This gift of $10,000 can become $20,000.

Giving to RMI has been made easier. You can donate online or set up a monthly bill pay with your bank. Go to RMI's Ways to Give to set that up.

Help us meet this challenge by the deadline of Dec. 31, 2009. RMI wants to finish this year well; heIp us to continue making an eternal impact on lives.

Giving Suggestions:

The past year has been one of tremendous challenge for everyone. Economic conditions have made it necessary for most to make careful choices about how to spend, save, and give their resources. For many, the final month of the year is a time to share with others. Now, more than ever, you may find that time spent considering how to make your gifts can help you be a better steward of your charitable dollars. By giving in the most effective manner, you may discover you can help others in ways you never thought possible. Here are some ideas that may be beneficial as you consider your charitable plans this fall.

Enjoy tax savings

Those who make charitable gifts may wish to structure the amount and timing of their gifts to make the best use of tax incentives that remain available this year. With proposed changes in federal tax laws, giving this year may never save you more.

The higher your tax rate, the more your gifts will save you. If you are subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT), you may be surprised to learn that charitable deductions serve to reduce the amount of both the regular income tax and the AMT. Remember that only gifts made by December 31 can help reduce the amount of taxes you owe next April.

Deciding what to give

* Cash. Charitable gifts are most often made in the form of cash and checks. When you itemize your tax deductions, gifts of cash may be used to eliminate federal income tax on up to half of your adjusted gross income (AGI). You may enjoy state income tax savings as well.

* Securities. Giving securities (individual stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares) that are worth more than they cost can bring additional tax savings. Gifts of such property are generally deductible from income tax at full current value if owned for longer than one year, and can be used to offset tax on up to 30% of your AGI. In addition, no tax is due on any gain, as could be the case in the event of a sale. Giving securities also frees up cash for other purposes or to diversity investments.